
The First Signs of Summer

The first hints of new lemons are appearing on the lemon tree on my balcony. I am less-than-patiently waiting for them to become juicy, fragrant drops of yellow joy to cut through the harshness of summer in the city. If I had my way I would cover every inch of my balconies in fruit trees and potted herbs and looking out the window it would all just be green. And yellow. And perhaps a little orange, here and there.

I think it's safe to say that summer is officially here to stay and it brought with it 30°+ temperatures that kill both my appetite (I don't want to consume anything but copious amounts of ice and Spritz) and my productivity. Apart from sustaining myself on a liquid diet I knocked together a quick and refreshing pasta with lemons and rucola.

- 2 Lemons, Juice of 2 and zest of 1
- 3 Tbsp olive oil
- 75-100g. Parmesan cheese
- 1 Bunch finely chopped basil leaves
- 1 Bunch Rucola
- Circa 250g. Linguine 

Bring a pot of salted water to the boil and add your Linguine. Add the juice of two lemons and the zest of one to a small bowl and whisk together with the olive oil. Stir in your Parmesan and season (pay attention as depending on the Parmesan you use it may be quite salty already). Finely chop a small bunch of basil leaves. Note that depending on the ratio of lemon to Parmesan you'll end up with a mixture that is more or less creamy or acid.

When the Linguine are ready, pour in the mixture and stir to coat. Add the chopped basil leaves and rucola. Sprinkle a little black pepper when serving and you're good to go!

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